Kreis-Niemann Dissolvers
We produce a range of mixers for the production of paints or coatings in cans or small barrels. For bigger volumes and the production of viscous pastes and fats, we propose our customers in Belgium and Luxemburg the KREIS-DISSOLVER® machines, which we also install, service and repair with our local service team.
- Floor-mounted dissolver
- For use in moveable mixing containers
- For the production of medium to high-viscous products
- Batch sizes of 30 to 5000 litres
- Driving power from 6.8 to 160 kW
- Drive by modern frequency converter technology or mechanical NIEMANN pulley-drive system
- Height-adjustable toothed disc
- Double suction disc available
- Vacuum execution possible
- Rotating container wall scraper as an option
- Platform balance can be integrated
Several cover systems available
Send us an e-mail for more information
or call +31 172 468046
or call (BE) +32 15 45 15 00

- Suitable for mixing, dispersing and evacuating of ultra-high-viscous and thixotrope products
- Vacuum execution for all machine sizes
- For production in moveable mixing containers
- Batch sizes of 15 up to1500 liters
- Drive by modern frequency converter technology
- Height-adjustable stirring / mixing tools
- Double suction disc available
- Platform balance possible
- Temperature measurement
- ATEX-zone 0
Send us an e-mail for more information
or call +31 172 468046
or call (BE) +32 15 45 15 00
KREIS-DISSOLVER® in compact installation WT
- Dissolver and mixing container in a closed system
- Installation in a steel platform or ceiling
- Height-adjustable toothed disc
- Batch sizes from 750 to 15.000 liters
- Driving power from 58 to 315 kW
- Container cover can be opened for maintenance and cleaning
- Production of medium to high-viscous products
- Drive by modern frequency converter technology or mechanical NIEMANN pulley-drive system
- Vacuum design for all installation sizes possible
- Container wall and bottom scraper available as an option
- Cleaning systems with low, medium and high pressure available
- Atex zone 0 possible
Send us an e-mail for more information
or call +31 172 468046
or call (BE) +32 15 45 15 00

KREIS-DISSOLVER® lab and pilot
KREIS-DISSOLVER® KDV 31-3.0 for laboratory use
- Electro-mechanical lifting device
- Compact and elegant design
- Speed range of 150 to 12.000 rpm
- Driving power 2.2 kW
- Batch sizes of 1 to 3 litres
KREIS-DISSOLVER® KDV 48-5.4 for pilot plant production
- Compact construction
- Speed range of 300 to 5.000 rpm
- Batch size (pilot) of 5 to 16 litres
- Driving power 4 kW
- With a modern frequency converter
- Vacuum available
Send us an e-mail for more information
or call +31 172 468046
or call (BE) +32 15 45 15 00
Our other products for Processing liquids
How can we help you?
We will reply immediately:
Or call us: +31 172 46 80 36 (Netherlands) or +32 15 45 15 00 (Belgium and Luxembourg).